논문 목록
Issue Date Title Journals
2024-04 The Shadow Economy and Social Change in North Korea Asian Studies Review
2024-03 대북제재와 통일인식: 한국적 맥락에서 제재효과의 재발견 21세기정치학회보
2023-12 Economic Sanctions by Non-Democracies: A Study of Cases from China and Russia INTERNATIONAL STUDIES QUARTERLY
2023-03 Economic sanctions, repression capacity, and human rights JOURNAL OF HUMAN RIGHTS
2022-12 A Crisis of Identity : Social Experience and Collective Memory Among the New Generation in Korea 한국동북아논총
2022-06 Can Middle Powers Coerce? : Behavioral Patterns in Intervention and Sanctions after Cold War 한국정치학회보
2022-04 When Does Audience Matter? Challengers' Stability and Audience Costs FOREIGN POLICY ANALYSIS
2021-11 Renewable energy policies and household solid fuel dependence GLOBAL ENVIRONMENTAL CHANGE-HUMAN AND POLICY DIMENSIONS
2021-01 Economic Sanctions and Government Spending Adjustments: The Case of Disaster Preparedness BRITISH JOURNAL OF POLITICAL SCIENCE
2020-12 토픽모형을 사용한 국가 사이버안보 선호 분석 국제정치논총
2020-09 Do sanctions spell disaster? Economic sanctions, political institutions, and technological safety EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS
2019-08 Enforcement Credibility and Frequency of Negotiations in Civil Wars The Korean Journal of International Studies
2019-04 냉전시기 미국의 對동맹국 비핵화 정책연구: 한국과 파키스탄의 비핵화 분석 평화연구
2019-01 US foreign aid and economic policy concessions<sup>*</sup> POLICY STUDIES
2018-12 How Autocrats Fall : Elite Interests and Influence of War Costs on Leader Removal 한국정치학회보
2018-09 핵무기 보유 추진 국가들과 경제제재 : 미국의 사례를 중심으로 한국정치학회보
2018-05 Detecting patterns in North Korean military provocations: what machine-learning tells us INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS OF THE ASIA-PACIFIC
2018-04 The Malaise of Globalization in East Asia: Income Inequality, Perceived State Capacity, and Anti-Establishment Attitudes The Korean Journal of International Studies
2018-03 인권감수성 예측모형 구축: 데이터마이닝 분석 기법을 중심으로 사이버커뮤니케이션학보
2018-03 Non-governmental organizations and economic sanctions INTERNATIONAL POLITICAL SCIENCE REVIEW
2017-12 The Effects of the President’s Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief on the Economies and Domestic Politics of Focus Countries GLOBAL ECONOMIC REVIEW
2017-09 미국 경제제재 분석 : 효과성과 특수성을 중심으로 한국정치학회보
2017-09 Talking to Whom? The Changing Audience of North Korean Nuclear Tests SOCIAL SCIENCE QUARTERLY
2017-08 Uncertainty in International Crises The Korean Journal of International Studies
2017-06 Counting Chickens : Examining the Reputation Effects of Economic Sanctions 한국정치학회보
2017-06 누가 북한을 이해하고 오해하는가? : 남·북한주민 인식조사 비교분석 국제정치논총
2017-06 The Internet, Social Capital, and Civic Engagement in Asia SOCIAL INDICATORS RESEARCH
2016-12 Damage over Outcome: How Interstate Wars Affect Civil War Likelihood 국제관계연구
2016-11 북한이탈주민의 북한 내 계층인식과 남한 사회 만족도간의 관계 연구방법논총
2016-09 통일인식 차이의 원인: 합리주의적 설명 아세아연구
2016-08 Foreign Aid and Government Survival The Korean Journal of International Studies
2016-06 박근혜 정부의 통일정책의 정책수용성에 대한 실증연구: 2013년과 2015년 국민인식조사 비교 국제관계연구
2015-12 Domestic Constraints and the Imposition of Economic Sanctions 한국정치학회보
2015-05 International Signaling and Economic Sanctions INTERNATIONAL INTERACTIONS
2015-03 Human Rights, Official Development Assistance (ODA), and Globalization: Quantitative Studies and the Case of South Korea KOREA OBSERVER
2015-00 Detecting Audience Costs in International Disputes INTERNATIONAL ORGANIZATION
2014-12 Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) Implementation in South Korea: Lessons from American and British CSR Policies JIAS(Journal of International and Area Studies)