ㆍ Ph.D., ECE, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (2015)
ㆍ M.S., ECE, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (2012)
ㆍ B.S., Electrical Engineering, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (2008)
ㆍ Associate Professor, School of Electrical & Electronic Engineering, Yonsei University, 2022-present
연세대학교 공과대학 전기·전자공학부 부교수
ㆍ Assistant Professor, School of Electrical & Electronic Engineering, Yonsei University, 2017-2022
연세대학교 공과대학 전기·전자공학부 조교수
ㆍ Adjunct Professor, Department of Integrated Display Engineering, 2022-present
연세대학교 공과대학 디스플레이융합공학과 겸임교수
ㆍ Adjunct Professor, College of Nursing, 2023-present
연세대학교 간호대학 겸임교수
ㆍ Adjunct Professor, Severance Hospital, 2023-present
세브란스 병원 겸직교수
ㆍ Adjunct Researcher, Korea Institute of Science and Technology (KIST), 2019-present
한국과학기술연구원 (KIST) 겸직연구원
ㆍ Postdoctoral Associate, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 2015-2016
미국 일리노이 대학 박사후 연구원
ㆍ Research Engineer, Transient Electronics Inc, 2015-2016
미국 Transient Electronics, R&D 연구원
ㆍ Flexible Bioelectronics
ㆍ Wearable Electronics
ㆍ Implantable Electronics
ㆍ Bio-inspired Electronics
ㆍ Brain-machine Interfaces
ㆍ AI-assisted Health Care Systems
AWARD (수상 실적)
ㆍ 2024~Present: Yonsei Lee Youn Jae Fellow (연세 이윤재 펠로우)
ㆍ 2020~2023: Hwalchun Distinguished Professor (공과대학 활천특훈교수)
ㆍ 2022 Distinguished Faculty Award: Research (2022 우수업적교수상: 연구부문)
ㆍ 2020 Distinguished Faculty Award: Best Educator Hall of Fame in Yonsei University (2020 최우수교육자상, 교육명예의전당)
ㆍ 2020 Distinguished Faculty Award: Best Educator in the College of Engineering (2020 우수업적교수상: 교육부문)
ㆍ 2019 Distinguished Faculty Award: Best Educator in the College of Engineering (2019 우수업적교수상: 교육부문)
ㆍ 2018 Distinguished Faculty Award: Best Educator in the College of Engineering (2018 우수업적교수상: 교육부문)
ㆍ 2023 Distinguished Teaching Award (2023 우수강의교수상)
ㆍ 2022 Distinguished Teaching Award (2022 우수강의교수상)
ㆍ 2021 Distinguished Teaching Award (2021 우수강의교수상)
ㆍ 2020 Distinguished Teaching Award (2020 우수강의교수상)
ㆍ 2019 Distinguished Teaching Award (2019 우수강의교수상)
ㆍ 2018 Distinguished Teaching Award (2018 우수강의교수상)
Selected Publications (대표 논문)
1. “Fully bioresorbable hybrid optoelectronic neural implant system for simultaneous electrophysiological recording and optogenetic stimulation”
Nature Communications 15, 2000 (2024, FWCI: 10.88)
2. “Bionic artificial skin with a fully implantable wireless tactile sensory system for wound healing and restoring skin tactile function”
Nature Communications 15, 10 (2024, FWCI: 14.51)
3. “MRI Compatible, Transparent PEDOT: PSS Neural Implants for the Alleviation of Neuropathic Pain with Motor Cortex Stimulation”
Advanced Functional Materials, 2310908 (2024, FWCI: 5.05)
4. “Vertical full-colour micro-LEDs via 2D materials-based layer transfer”
Nature 614 (7946), 81 (2023, FWCI: 28.93)
5. “A wireless, solar-powered, optoelectronic system for spatial restriction-free long term optogenetic neuromodulations”
Science Advances 9 (39), eadi8918 (2023, FWCI: 2.06)
6. “Fluorescent based biodegradable microneedle sensor array for tether free continuous glucose monitoring with smartphone application”
Science Advances, 9 (22), eadh1765 (2023, FWCI: 9.83)
7. “Ultra-thin crystalline silicon-based strain gauges with deep learning algorithms for silent speech interfaces”
Nature Communications, 13, 5815 (2022, FWCI: 4.43)
8. “Ultrahigh Sensitive Au Doped Silicon Nanomembrane Based Wearable Sensor Arrays for Continuous Skin Temperature Monitoring with High Precision”
Advanced Materials 34, 2105865 (2022, FWCI: 9.53)
9. “Ultra Low Cost, Facile Fabrication of Transparent Neural Electrode Array for Electrocorticography with Photoelectric Artifact Free Optogenetics”
Advanced Functional Materials 32 (10), 2105568 (2022, FWCI: 4.21)
10. “Development of a neural interface for high definition, long term recording in rodents and nonhuman primates”
Science Translational Medicine 12, eaay4682 (2020, FWCI: 8.95)
11. "Large area, MRI compatible epidermal electrical interfaces for prosthetic control and cognitive monitoring"
Nature Biomedical Engineering 3 (3), 194-205 (2019, FWCI: 12.43)
12. “Capacitively coupled arrays of multiplexed, flexible silicon transistors for cardiac electrophysiology”
Nature Biomedical Engineering 1 (3), 1-12 (2017, FWCI: 11.09)
13. “Ultrathin, transferred layers of thermally grown silicon dioxide as biofluid barriers for biointegrated flexible electronic systems,”
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 113, 11682-11687 (2016, FWCI: 3.60)
14. “Bioresorbable silicon electronics for transient spatio-temporal mapping of electrical activity from the cerebral cortex.”
Nature Materials 15, 782–791 (2016, FWCI: 14.30)