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[09/26] Chasing the First Stars
게시글 내용


Title: Chasing the First Stars

Speaker: David Aguado(Instituto de Astrofísica de Canarias)

Date&Time: 2023-09-26, 16:00 PM

Location: 과학관 638호 (Science Hall, 638)

Language: English



During Big Bang Nucleosynthesis, hydrogen, helium, and small traces of lithium and beryllium were produced. A few million years after BBN, the first stars were formed out of this primordial material. Important questions about star formation, galactic evolution, and the yields of the first supernovae can be answered from the study of these first stars and their descendants. The most chemically primitive stars in the Milky Way are invaluable to understand the early universe, but they are extremely rare and hard to find. We will review main efforts in this regard and key results on the comprehensive study of these fossil records.

David Aguado