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[학부 세미나] 3/31(금) Adriana Rivera-Piza(고려대학교 식품공학과) "Recent advances in Medical Biotechnology"
게시글 내용
게시글 내용

기계공학부 구성원들의 많은 관심과 참여 부탁드립니다.

▣ 제  목: Recent advances in Medical Biotechnology

연  사: Dr. Adriana Rivera-Piza

소  속: 고려대학교 식품공학과

일  시: 2023. 3. 31.(Fri) 16:00

장  소: 제2공학관 B040호

▣ 초  록

Biotechnology and mechanical engineering are two distinct fields that are integral to many industries, including pharmaceuticals, healthcare, agriculture, and manufacturing. While they have different focuses and methodologies, they often intersect in the design and development of machinery and production of various products. From advances in biodesign, 3D-printing, hydrogels, and organoids, to the utilization of synthetic biology, advance biomaterials and soft tissue biomechanics will be addressed. Furthermore, biomimetics/biomimicry and ongoing clinical therapies such as non-thermal plasma and transdermal optogenetic stimulation as well as the current challenges and future trends will be explored. This seminar will offer a multidisciplinary insight to the development of biological therapies, devices, processes and technologies to improve our lives by bridging the gap between discoveries and their application. We will briefly revise concepts and principles of underlying mechanisms, and how we obtain ideas from nature, and propose applications that converge science, engineering, and biomedicine. Overall, biotechnology and mechanical engineering are two important fields that are essential to many industries. Their intersection leads to the development of new and innovative products and processes that improve our lives in many ways.

Topics to discuss: Concepts, Applications, therapeutical potential and current status/challenges.

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