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2023 연세대학교 문화인류학과 외부연사 질적연구 콜로키움
게시글 내용

2023-2 연세대학교 문화인류학과에서 외부연사님들을 모셔 질적연구 콜로키움을 진행합니다. 11월 6일에 Scripps College의 박서영 선생님, 12월 4일에 새크라멘토 소재 캘리포니아주립대학의 권준희 선생님께서 방문하실 예정입니다. 

자세한 내용은 아래 포스터와 본문을 참고해주시기 바라며,

많은 관심과 참여 부탁드립니다.

박서영, Scripps College : 새집증후군과 공기의 불안

일시 : 11 6 월요일 저녁 6 

장소 : 강의실(S602-1)

* 행사에는 다과가 준비될 예정입니다(샌드위치/음료)

* 행사는 zoom 통해 동시 송출될 예정입니다

줌zoom 주소 : https://yonsei.zoom.us/j/87304395961


 연구는 물리적환경적사회문화적 과정으로서의 실내공기에 대해 주목하고새집증후군제거  실내공기정화를 둘러싼 정책사업개인의 일상적 실천에 접근하는 문화기술지이다특정 건물에서 느껴지는 두통기침가려움증어지러움증  일련의 증상이 일정시간 이상 실내공기의 유해물질을 흡입한 결과라 추정하는 건물 증후군은한국과 일본의 경우 “신축건물" “주거용 건물" 강조하는 “새집증후군"이라는 특징적인 형태로 90년대 후반 도시환경과 보건의 문제로 부상하였다다중화합물 민감증과 공기물질 노출에 대한 광범한 반응으로 확대되고 있는 새집증후군은 도시의 물적구조적 거주 조건과 맞닿아있으며그러한 조건 속에서 자신의 공간을 점하고 살아남고자 하는 개인이 처한 취약성과 그불안을 드러낸다이에  연구는 비가시적이고 유동적인 실내공기를 둘러싼 주관적 감각과 일상의 실천들이 어떻게 몸과 환경의 관계를 매개하는지 분석하고또한 개인이 “"이라는 공간을 통해 구축하고자 하는 삶의 적절함과 안정성을어떻게 드러내는지 이해하고자 한다.

권준희, California State University : Borderland Dreams: The Transnational Lives of Korean Chinese Workers

일시 : 12 4 월요일 저녁 6 

장소 : 강의실(S602-1)

In Borderland Dreams, June Hee Kwon explores the trajectory of the “Korean dream” that has fueled the massive migration of Korean Chinese workers from

the Korean Autonomous Prefecture of Yanbian in northeast China to South Korea since the early 1990s. Charting the interplay of bodies, money, and time, the ethnography reveals how these migrant workers, in the course of pursuing their borderland dreams, are transformed into a transnational ethnicized class. Kwon analyzes the persistent desire of Korean Chinese to “leave to live better” at the intersection between the neoliberalizing regimes of post-socialist China and of post-Cold War South Korea. Scrutinizing the tensions and affinities among the Korean Chinese, North and South Koreans, and Han Chinese whose lives intertwine in the borderland, Kwon captures the diverse and multifaceted aspirations of Korean Chinese workers caught between the ascendant Chinese dream and the waning Korean dream.