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Development of MEMS-based gas sensing system with ultra-high resolution, low power consumption, and gas selectivity
게시글 내용

Development of MEMS-based gas sensing system with ultra-high resolution, low power consumption, and gas selectivity

Professor Jongbaeg Kim's research team in the Department of Mechanical Engineering and a research team in the Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering conducted a study on a "MEMS-based gas sensing system." This study was published in the journal of 'IEEE Journal of Solid-state Circuits' (Impact Factor: 6.12) in August 2022. In this paper, we present an ultra-low power gas sensing system with an ultra-high resolution by integrating MEMS-based resistive gas sensors and Resistors-to-Digital Converter. Furthermore, the selectivity of the gas sensor was obtained by using different reactivity differences when driven at different temperatures.

The link: 10.1109/JSSC.2022.3197549

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