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[BK21 seminar] 9th May(Thu) Brian Feeny(Michigan State University)"Complex modal decomposition for traveling waves and
게시글 내용

Please give a lot of attention and participation from the members of the Mechanical Engineering department.

▣ 주   제: Complex modal decomposition for traveling waves and nonsynchronous oscillations

연   사: Brian Feeny 교수

소   속: Michigan State University

일   시: 2024. 05. 09.(Thu) 15:00

장   소: 제4공학관 D402호

초   청: 최종은 교수

▣ 초   록

We introduce synchronous and nonsynchronous modes in vibration systems, and the use of complex modes for describing nonsynchronous motions, for example traveling waves.  We then briefly review proper orthogonal decomposition (POD), which is a common tool for the extraction of real “energy modes” in spatiotemporal systems.  Some generalizations of POD that enable extractions of complex modes are then presented.  Illustrative examples of these tools shown, including the application of a state-variable modal decomposition to an end-damped beam, and the application of complex orthogonal decomposition to structures and bio-locomotion.

20240509_BK21_ Brian Feeny 교수님(최종은 교수님).jpg