- Title
- Seminar [12/14] Soft Material-Enabled, Flexible Hybrid Electronics for Advanced Healthcare and Human-Machine Interfaces
- Date
- 2018.12.12
- Writer
- 전기전자공학부
- 게시글 내용
< BK21+ BEST Seminar Series Announcement>
Time and Date : 15:00 ~ 16:00 Friday 12/14/2018
Place : D405, Engineering Building #4
Title : Soft Material-Enabled, Flexible Hybrid Electronics for Advanced Healthcare and Human-Machine Interfaces
My research focuses on the fundamental and applied aspects of nanomechanics, biomolecular interactions, soft materials, and nano-microfabrication for nanoparticle biosensing and unusual electronic system development, with an emphasis on bio-interfaced translational nanoengineering. In this talk, I will discuss about recent research works on soft, wearable and implantable electronics which include biomimetic materials, mechanics designs, and system integration, aiming for advancing human healthcare and machine interfaces. Specifically, I will talk about some examples of wearable and implantable electronics for ergonomic human-machine interfaces, cardiovascular monitoring, hypertension management, and quantification of hemodynamics.
Presenter: Woon Hong Yeo, Assistant Professor / Georgia Institute of Technology
Host: Prof. Ahn, Jong-Hyun, Yonsei EEE