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[BK21 세미나] 1/26(화) 이은석 박사(메르세데스-벤츠 북미 R&D 센터)"Quantum computing using Noisy Intermediate-Scale Quantum (NISQ) devices"
게시글 내용
게시글 내용

기계 공학부 구성원들의 많은 관심과 참여 부탁 드립니다.

▣ Title: A novel way to tailoring mechanical properties in materials and structures

Speaker: JinKyu Yang(Professor)

Affiliation: Mercedes-Benz R&D North America

▣ Date: 2021. 1. 26.(Tue) 16:00

▣ Venue: Online(Zoom)

▣ Host: Prof. Keonwook Kang

▣ Abstract

It is generally agreed that (universal) quantum computers are a key component in the next generation computing environment and will make transformative impacts on industries. In particular, a recent report on quantum supremacy, meaning that quantum computers outperform classical computers for a certain problem, adds expectation on the availability of quantum computers in near-future. Quantum computers have the potential to restructure existing digital ecosystems and thus have attracted a great deal of attention from public and private sectors. IT industry leaders, such as Google and IBM, are already making significant investment on the development of quantum computers and quantum algorithms, to preoccupy the leading position in the field. In addition, non-IT industry leaders are also actively participating in developing quantum algorithms and applications to prepare the era of universal quantum computers. In this seminar, we will look over the current status of those efforts with emphasis on application to quantum chemical simulations. A brief introduction on the fundamentals of quantum computers will be given at the start of the seminar

Zoom link: https://yonsei.zoom.us/j/86943490423?pwd=d1gzb2Rlb0Y5RlVaMVgyUjJjZ041Zz09
