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[세미나] Using Machine Learning to Create Safer Experiences for People Online
게시글 내용
이스라엘 Tel Aviv University의 Eran Toch 교수 세미나가 예정되어있습니다.

1.일시: 2023년 8월 10일 오후 1시 30분

2.장소: 신촌캠퍼스 제4공학관 D504

3.연사: Eran Toch (Associate Professor, Dept. of Industrial Engineering, Tel Aviv University - https://toch.tau.ac.il/eran-toch/)

4.발표제목: Using Machine Learning to Create Safer Experiences for People Online

In this presentation, we will delve into the challenges individuals face when confronted with online security threats, particularly when they lack the requisite time, knowledge, or capability to effectively address these issues. Our focus will be on the potential of machine learning algorithms in aiding individuals to bolster their online security and privacy, and the synergy of combining human support networks with AI-driven solutions. It is noteworthy that users frequently depend on social support networks comprising family, friends, and the broader
community. However, contemporary technologies often fall short in enhancing these critical support channels. 

To address this, we first present Meerkat, a specialized mobile application designed to streamline the provision of support by allowing users to capture, annotate, and share screenshots through messaging platforms. We conducted an empirical study to assess the efficacy of Meerkat in helping users counter phishing attacks, with an emphasis on support
rendered by trusted acquaintances and community contributors. Subsequently, we investigate the employment of machine learning in proactively bolstering mobile security. Through an analysis involving 450 participants, we evaluated a method to pinpoint the optimal timing for extending support. We will deliberate on the promising role of machine learning in amplifying collaborative strategies for online safety, and its potential in augmenting the impact of peer support. -- Joint work with Tamir Mendel

Eran Toch is an Associate Professor in the Faculty of Engineering at Tel-Aviv University, where he also leads the undergraduate program in Industrial Engineering and Management. He co-directs the Interacting with Technology Lab (IWiT), focusing on areas such as data engineering, user-friendly privacy and security, and human-AI interaction. His work has been financially backed by several entities including the Israeli Science Foundation (ISF), DARPA, the European Union Horizon 2020 Program, and the Israel Ministry of Science. Eran also serves on the Council for the Protection of Privacy within the Israel Ministry of Law and is a member of numerous scientific committees for leading data processing firms. Most recently, Eran held a position as a visiting Associate Professor at Cornell Tech University.